Late Nights
Late nights
With music in my ears
And demons in my mind,
I feel water filling my lungs,
Weights sitting on my chest
And ropes around my throat.
My mind racing
And words vomiting from my fingers,
The only thought keeping me alive
Is seeing the stars in your eyes again
One day.
Maybe not today,
Maybe not tomorrow,
But I swear one day,
I will hold you in my arms again.
Tears slipping down my face
As my eyes burn from the screen of my phone,
Yet I type furiously
Words and sentences,
Hoping to describe the thoughts
Held captive in my mind.
Minutes tick by slowly
As I sit alone
No one dares to be up this late,
Not a single soul wants this,
I am the only one
Who craves to put themself through this torture,
This punishment of being alone with my thoughts,
No one to hep me or dry my tears,
But that's okay.
I like my mind when I'm alone
And I let it be wild and free.
With my headphones and furious words,
I can create new and unique worlds
So excuse me
If I sleep in
While you are awake,
And stay up
While you are asleep.
Good night,
Sleep tight,
Sweet dreams friend.