To Bean: Part One
Lilith, Baby Cat, Booger Ball, Booger...Bean.
You knew your name before I did.
I fell in love with you when you were first born on the fouton.
Your eyes were closed, you fit in the palm of my hand
And you were a pastel angel of fluff and love.
I'm not sure if we're meant to be
Or you grew into me.
You shed enough that even my blood stream contains your hair
But I wish you were with me everywhere I go
And I know you hate the leash
But it's not for you, it's for me.
You see, you always know what's best for me
When I need to wake up
When I need to get dressed
You sit outside the door and wait for me to brush my teeth
And lead me down the steps and watch me cook breakfast
And lay in my lap and let me cry in your fur when I can't take it
And my little ball of perfection,
I thought I knew what it meant when someone called an animal their baby
And then you came into my life
And I can't imagine a world where I can't lay on the steps with you
Singing, "Bean, Bean, the magical cat!"
I cannot think of a world without your squawk, because you don't meow.
I cannot fathom how I made it along in without your unconditional love
You purr when you see me
And I'm sure that if I could,
I would purr when I see you too.
My Bean, my furry child.