Intergalactic Love Story
You and I are like the sun and the moon
And most people would call that tragic
Say that our love story has a sad kind of magic
That we just keep missing each other and that's truly terrible
But it really isn't quite so unbearable
See without the sun, the moon can't shine
And without your light, i have none to call mine
And together we can light up the whole world. Day or night
And sometimes the moon even comes out in the day just to say hello
Just to see if the sun is doing okay
Like, hey, i just want to be here for you, even if you don't necessarily need me right now
And one day, we're both going to die, but when we do, it's gonna be okay because I spent my life reflecting back what I love most about you, and you always knew how to light up my life
And maybe I'm just a rock
Cold, not easy to love
And maybe you're a ball of fire with a quick temper
But maybe we could be like the moon and the sun
Moving in synchronization and setting the heavens on fire
Maybe we could be like that
Keeping each other sane
Running the race together
Each of us taking over when the other gets tired
An intergalactic love story for the ages