Life's a Bitch
You’re a gift and a curse
Full of surprises, never rehearsed
You’re the good and bad
Joy and sad---ness
Less is more, more is less
The best things you give are free
And money doesn’t grow on trees
Why are there so many sayings about you?
All proven to be true
You’re such a bitch
For once with you, I’d like things to go without a hitch
But we all know that’ll never be true
It’s never that way with you
We all need a little ache every now and then,
And regrets about way back when
To reap what we sow
Because these things make us grow
What’s good without bad?
Happy without sad?
Calm without mad?
We need this stuff in our life
Ironically there’s good in strife,
Because you can’t appreciate the good without the bad
You’re such a bitch
But actually, I am glad