It weighed so heavy on my Daddy.
The thick black coughing dust.
He didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Just the weight of my future, but I am his world.
He wanted the brightest light for me.
So he walked into the dark every day.
Now the world wants to take away the heavy, thick, black dust.
As heavy as it was, it helped me to fly.
They don't have anything for him but heavy words.
But what he wants is heavy work.
They say it is the past.
But that dust... That dust was my future.
Those dark rocks give us power.
Those dark rocks gave me power.
The power to stand up for another girl's future.
Take away the rocks.. That is fine.
But don't tell my Daddy he can't work for me.
Give him a way to make power.
My Daddy, that coal. That is power.
Your words have none.