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There are 14391 poems on this topic.
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Anyone can be a mom.
9 years 9 months ago
9 years 9 months ago
I recall a time not long ago... When I sat amongst the sand, When the waves broke on the shore,
9 years 9 months ago
I just wish that I could be myself, yo
9 years 10 months ago
As a child you want to grow up Grow up why? So that adults will regard you as a person
9 years 10 months ago
9 years 10 months ago
We continue to wage this pointles
9 years 10 months ago
Remembering Innocence By: Arion Hart People ask me how I can
9 years 10 months ago
I know your fears, And sense you tears, I know your dreams, And sense your smile gleam.  
9 years 10 months ago
